Thursday, February 17, 2011

Stupid Toe

After 5 injections, some painful insoles, and a week in a boot with some crazy steroids, it's been decided that my toe is not going to get better without surgery. There is no guarantee that it will be completely better with surgery, but it should be better than what I have now. I woke up this morning and it was already aching, and now that I have been boot-less for a few hours, it's downright awful.

I jokingly told him that I was ready to have it done tomorrow if they could fit me in and, lo and behold, they had an opening. So, while most everyone else is snoozing, I'll be headed in for surgery at 6 am. They told me the exact name of the surgery, but I can't remember. It had a couple of initials in there, or something. What I do know is that I'll be off of my foot completely for 36 hrs and back in the boot for 2-4 weeks. No crutches, thank goodness, but I'm worried about how I'm going to run after the kids on Monday. Nervous!

Hopefully by then I'll be laughing at myself for ever thinking it was a big deal. But, just in case, any one want 2 adorable kids for a week???

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