Sunday, April 24, 2011

A Sigh of Relief

Bright and early on Friday morning (6:15 am...yuck!) we stumbled out of bed, chugged some coffee, and headed off to get the tubes put in Lauren's ears. We signed her in, changed her into her small, but still too big for her, hospital gown, and waited to have her taken back. The medicine they gave her to relax her kicked in pretty quickly, so waiting wasn't that difficult. She was hilarious!

They took her back a little after 8 am and not 15 minutes later she was done and screaming for something to eat. Poor thing. You could tell she was in pain and not at all happy about the anesthesia. We were home by 9 am and I immediately laid down with her. A few hours later she woke up and was completely happy. We were even able to go out for lunch.

Her ears looked pretty clear when the tubes were placed so hopefully this will help them stay clear and keep her happy and healthy. I'm so glad that we had this done and I'm so glad it's over!

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