Tuesday, December 1, 2009

It's a...


Never in a million years did I actually think we'd have a girl. I wished, I hoped, I crossed fingers and called it a girl forever but I never thought we'd really have one. The reason? The Kellys don't really have girls. Tim's cousin Jessica was the first girl to be born on the Kelly side of the family in over 70 years. We would have been thrilled if it was a boy, but to have one of each is truly a blessing!

When Courtney, the super sweet sonographer, first started we immediately saw the face. The hands were right up there, right where they were at the 9 week ultrasound. That's just the way she likes to sleep! Courtney then pointed out the brain, the heart, both hands, the diaphragm, the spine...all the really important parts. She said everything looked perfect.

That took about 20 minutes and then she asked if we were ready to find out if it was a boy or a girl. We were SO ready! While we chatted about names (or our lack of names, really) I told her how I had promised the anesthesiologist that administered my epidural with Brenden that I would name my next child after him. She laughed and said "I hope he had a very feminine name!" And then I BAWLED. I was so excited! I don't think I was really composed for another 5 minutes. She would hand me pictures and my hands were shaking so badly that I couldn't hold them. I had that same problem when we found out with Brenden. :)

Since we were the last appointment for the day she "played" a bit. She even turned on the 4D and let us see her face! (We weren't supposed to have that done which makes me like her even more!) It was absolutely amazing.

So here you go, the first pictures of our daughter! (How crazy to say that!) Click on them to enlarge.

Her foot!
She's looking right at you! (and her left arm is up)
Hello world!


New Girl on Post said...

I'm so excited for you! I cannot wait to see her. I know she's going to be gorgeous!

The Kellys said...

Thank you Melissa!

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